
Submitted by webmaster on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 12:46

Bible says "This is what the LORD Almighty says: ''''Give careful thought to your ways"". Dr P M Thomas Foundation did exactly that. A self assessment sheet was sent to all scholarship beneficiaries seeking their desires in their academic career, personality development and value of life. The response was fascinating and of course gratifying. Words cannot fully reflect the depth. Here are some samples

Personality  One beneficiary a school girl says "My present personality characteristics include good relationships, good behaviour, humility, smiling face, punctuality, loving and lovable. To improve my personality I will communicate more with my friends, teachers and relatives. I will take charge of small activities in my school to improve my leadership skills. From today itself I will be careful about my talks and body languages to be smart. I will try to be more open with my friends and relatives. I will love all human beings, animals and my nature around me. I will take care of all of them.

Wonderful is'nt it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Values of life   Here is a response from a college girl "Human is a social animal and can't survive without help of others. So helping others is a good quality and it is also our responsibility. So first of all, I will create a mind to help others and utilize all opportunities for helping others. Being a honest person is another important thing in our life. So I will always tell truth and stand for truth. Dishonesty makes your life a failure. I will speak with heart. Surround myself with people of same values of life and it will improve self-awareness. I will try to treat people with love and care. To improve compassion I will practice forgiveness and express gratitude. Doing good to other makes us happy. Always try to be a mindful person. I will read inspiring stories and uphold good values throughout my life time


One special piece  A school girl writes "I want to become an IAS officer because I want to contribute positively to the society. I will uplift humanity. This is the best combination of career and prestige. I want to be a role model to my peers, friends and siblings. I love my country. I want to bring a change in our system. Of course only one person can never change a country. But I know, there are people like me who are willing to work towards building our great country INDIA. As one of the greatest Indian Swami Vivekananda says "Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached"

And that is mind boggling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most of the responses are almost in the same lines. A sense of awareness has been created in all our students. They started thinking in a bigger canvas than earlier. Let us encourage them in their journey of life.

We are Moving Forward!!!

Current issue for the Foundation is the need to raise the level of support to about 80 to 100 students this year and the academic year is on. A strategy has to be evolved to identify students and meet the target by middle of current financial year. All sorts of suggestions are welcome. By end of July the target is set as 60!!!!