Alas! Fury of Nature again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by webmaster on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 12:46

Wow! It was heart shattering!!! One hill disappearing in a flash! One part of a village washed out under the earth! All these happened in Wayanad District of Kerala in the last few days during heavy rains followed by huge landslides. Rain did havoc in other districts too like Malappuram, Idikki, Kannur etc. Every Keralite - not only them but people at large - had eyes wet when  heard and saw in media the human tragedy that ensued. Over 100 persons were killed as per the report. It is suggested that the number may go up. Innumerable houses were totally or partially destroyed. Agricultural loss is yet to be assessed. Over 2.5 lakh people are moved to rescue camps. Misery is imaginable.

But compassion is one character of Keralites. Relief materials and money are flowing in though it is far aside from requirements. We also have to move in and do our mite. Eligible persons have to be identified for urgent relief through financial support. We plan to pay out Rs 10000/ to Rs 20000/ per beneficiary based on extent of loss. All are welcome to donate in this great endeavour and align with people who are distressed. 

Come!!!!! Let us join hands!!! be with the suffering people with compassion!!!!!!!!!!!!!