Dream for the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by webmaster on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 12:46

Dream comes true if it is followed up with genuine commitments. This year we have great dreams. We have the desire, commitments and wherewithal. And what is lacking? Nothing!! We envision to support nearly one hundred students to realize their dreams in academic realms. Foundation is moving toward the goal slowly but on steady pace.

We now support a few visually challenged students who have great vision of life. Though they are handicapped in their physical faculties they are mentally very strong. One of them desire to be an IAS Officer and she is striving hard towards the goal. Another one set her heart to be a College Lecturer and be a good one at that. Foundation is committed to act fast and we conveyed our commitment to be behind them in their onward journey. 

Students from North Kerala are our nest focus. All support in identifying genuine and deserving students for scholarship program is welcome. We can be introduced to the Schools or Colleges or message can be passed on to students. Anyone can chip in with their little or great

We are happy to announce that one of our students completed her post graduate course and is waiting for her results. We wish the student grand success and a blessed and bright future. We have given a self analysis sheet to all our beneficiary students particularly focusing on their studies, personality and values of life. It is gratifying to note that most of the students are responding and in fact replies are pouring in. A close study of the response reveal that their hearts are opening up and their horizon of outlook is going up. I had some telephonic discussions with a few students and I am satisfied that they are all looking up in their journey of life with greater commitments and visions.

All sorts of help in raising resources are welcome. Let us come together and be a source of inspiration to the youth and let them know that we are there to be with them if they are challenges in financial front. We can all chip in and may even bring in some like-minded friends who are willing to join this great cause.

See you soon!