Today October 22 - A Day to Remember

Submitted by webmaster on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 12:46

Dr P M Thomas, a fountain of Benevolence and Compassion ran his race and left this world to be with the Lord on this day 47 year back. He is still the great source of inspiration to all his descendants. His motto and Prayer " Lord your Spirit rule in our lives, your love illumine in and through us, and your service be emanated through us". Let us all keep the memories sweet and flowering !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Year Greetings to All. Let us hope and pray that 2020 is a fruitful and gratifying year for Dr P M Thomas Foundation. We are slowly impacting a small cross section of the society through the 60 students we right now have. We plan to increase the number. Our efforts to have good communication channel to the students is now yielding fruits. Attention of students are drawn persistently towards values of life, visions of life and personality developments. We have very encouraging feed backs from students. Let us all join and try building a good platform for students to vent our their views.