Fountain of Love

Submitted by webmaster on Wed, 09/19/2018 - 15:32

Love is the most cherished quality in mankind. Love translates into compassion to fellow beings. Compassion is much more than empathy and altruism. It drives you to act in order to alleviate the sufferings and pain of others. Those who live and do something to sustain and suffer with human beings, those who are in the service of man are really in the service of God. Worship of God can be done through service of mankind. Meaning of life is ultimately to bear fruit and be in service to the society. This needs compassion and a willingness for sacrifices.

Memory Goes On.....

Submitted by webmaster on Wed, 09/19/2018 - 15:31

Memory of Dr P M Thomas flowered and bore fruits. A non profit Public Charitable Trust with the name Dr. P. M. Thomas Foundation was registered on the 25th of Jan 2005  with no 42/05/IV in the Registration Department of Government of Kerala. The Trust was subsequently registered with the Income Tax Department of Government of India with no CIT(Exemption), Kochi/2018-19/A/10038. The Trust reflects the vision and mission of Dr P M Thomas.

About us
Dr. P. M. Thomas Foundation is a mission with love, compassion and honest initiatives encompassing all facets of development in the society. The Foundation was started by a group of people with a vision to be a force in bringing about social, economic, political changes in the society. The motto is to work with and work for the basic and the most important element that constitutes the society - the individual. Weaker sections of the society struggle to realize their dreams for life. We therefore focus this segment of society. Our core values are integrity, excellence and value-based social outlooks.
Late Dr. P. M. Thomas, Parackal House, Vazhoor was a living witness to love of God, and fellow beings that is envisioned in the theme of this Foundation. He was, and still is, seen as epitomizing a 'Good Samaritan' among those who closely knew him. Memory of that great man is still a motivation to his descendants and they found it appropriate to carry on the legacy into the future for the benefit of humanity and Glory of God Almighty
A club
Dr P M Thomas Foundation in its way forward understood the value of continued relation with our beneficiaries, whom we consider as members of our family even after they successfully complete their academic career. Foundation considers their views and ideas as valuable asset. A club is formed and all of them can join and be in mutual contact as well as common touch with Foundation. It goes without saying that present members can also join. The name of the club is still to be evolved and ideas are invited from present or past members.
Join us
Now all with the spirit of compassion and who align with the vision and guiding principles of the Foundation are welcome to join. We value your guidance and advice. You can sponsor beneficiaries by supporting the Foundation. Transparency is our watchword and all privacy policies are honored. Our Bank Account Details are 
ESAF Small Finance Bank
Mannanthala Branch
A/c No 50190001871689
IFSC Code ESMF0001226

Our Mission

Enabling Education

Submitted by webmaster on Wed, 09/19/2018 - 15:30

Education can transform lives of individuals leading to well being in households and thereby contentment in the society. One of the bottlenecks for genuine students to attain eligible education levels is the dearth of funds. Dr P.M Thomas Foundation envisions being a helping hand for brilliant students to circumvent financial constraints so that they achieve their visions. In the process we highlight the values of life to mould the beneficiaries as citizens of high integrity and social commitments.

Health Care

Submitted by webmaster on Wed, 09/19/2018 - 15:10

Medical field is modernized at very high pace. At the same time expenses for medical treatment is also in the upward trend. There are several instances where finance has become a constraint for patients to get appropriate medical check up, investigation and  treatment. Dr P M Thomas Foundation envisages some support to financially challenged patients to go for desired treatments.

We are Here

Submitted by webmaster on Wed, 09/19/2018 - 15:02

There is a very positive change in the overall attitude of the Students in our Scholarship Program. They started developing vision of academic career and some of them substantially raised their Goal Bar. More over they started reviewing their role in home school and society. Values of life is now a part of their career domain. The students are encouraged to widen their perceptions and concepts of life. Right now we have over eighty students in our list and almost all of them respond positively to the New Ideas



  • ➢ Holistic development of students by
  • ➢ Support in moral and spiritual growth
  • ➢ Support hard working students to face their financial challenges
  • ➢ Support to inculcate values of life like Truth, Honesty and Integrity
  • ➢ Support in Personality Development
  • ➢ Develop good social outlooks


  • ➢ Scholarships and Mentoring through academic institutions
  • ➢ Frequent get together of students and interactions with experts


  • ➢ Scholarships for studies from Std VIII upwards to post graduations
  • ➢ Doctorate and higher studies will be supported on merits case
  • ➢ Students shall be in a recognized educational institution
  • ➢ Applicant shall not be in receipt of any other financial assistance
  • ➢ Students shall send copies of of mark lists for all examinations
  • ➢ Scholarships are paid through bank accounts in the name of students
  • ➢ Students are required to respond to all letters from the Foundation
  • ➢ Students shall attend special gatherings organized by the Foundation
Income Limits of Parents/Guardian  Monthly Annual
➢ Both parents live Rs 4000 Rs 50000
➢ One Parent Handicapped Rs 5000 Rs 60000
➢ Mother alone is live Rs 7000 Rs 84000
➢ Mother alone is live and handicapped Rs 10000 Rs 120000
➢ Both Parents not live (Guardian) Rs 10000 Rs 120000
➢ Both Parents live and SC/ST Rs 6000 Rs 72000
➢ One parent handicapped SC/ST Rs 7000 Rs 84000
➢ Mother alone live and SC/ST Rs 8000 Rs 96000
➢ Mother alone live and handicapped SC/ST Rs 9000 Rs 108000
➢ Both parents not live SC/ST Rs 10000 Rs 120000
➢ Case by case consideration of other cases


Family Assets

➢ Land Holding for family Maximum 50 Cents                             Maximum 50 Cents

Qualification: Marks in Previous Year
➢ Normal Students 70%
➢ Scheduled Cast/Tribe 65%
➢ Student handicapped (blind or deaf) 65%
➢ Minimum increase in marks yearly 3%
➢ Case by case consideration for special/extraordinary cases  

Certificates to accompany Applications

  • ➢ Conduct Certificate of Teacher/Lecturer in-C and Head of Institutions
  • ➢ Eligibility Certificate from same as above
  • ➢ Eligibility Certificate from a reputed person in the neighbourhood
  • ➢ Income Certificate from Village Officer if not in BPL Category
  • ➢ Certificate of Cast from Village Officer if belongs to SC/ST
  • ➢ Certificate of Handicap from Medical Board
  • ➢ Certificate of being Widow from Village Officer
Scholarships for 2020-21 Monthly Annually
➢ Standard VIII to Standard X Rs 400 Rs 4800
➢ Standard XI to Standard XII Rs 500 Rs 6000
➢ Degree course Rs 700 Rs 8400
➢ Post Graduate course Rs 1000 Rs 12000
➢ Degree in Professional courses Rs 1500 Rs 18000
➢ P G in Professional courses Rs 1800 Rs 21600
➢ Doctorate studies Rs 2000 Rs 24000

Norms for Payment of Grant/Loan for Coachings

  • ➢ Support of Coaching in Entrance Exams is for 85% marks and above
  • ➢ Shall have joined a recognized/reputed Coaching Centre
  • ➢ Payment will be through reimbursement in general cases
  • ➢ In genuine cases advance shall be paid on notice/brochure of Institution
  • ➢ The entire amount is paid as grant not to be paid back
  • ➢ Maximum limit of one time payment is Rs 15000/
  • ➢ Support of Coaching in Civil Service exams is for 70% marks in 3 exams
  • ➢ Shall have joined a recognized/reputed/Govt Coaching Centre
  • ➢ Payment will be through reimbursement in general cases
  • ➢ In genuine cases advance shall be paid on notice/brochure of Institution
  • ➢ The entire amount will be treated as loan to be paid back in instalments
  • ➢ Maximum limit of one time payment is Rs 25000/-

Are you interested to apply for a scholarship, online?

Phase 1: Eligibility Review

  1. You will submit a request indicating your interest. (Apply button below)
  2. An automated email will be sent to you detailing your next steps.
  3. You will submit required documents for eligibility review, as indicated in our email.
  4. We will review the documents and approve/reject your application and notify you via email.
  5. If approved, you will enter Phase 2.


Phase 2: Application Submission

  1. The approval email will indicate the next set of documents to complete your application.
  2. You will submit the required documents, as indicated in our email.
  3. We will review the documents and finalise your scholarship and communicate back to you.


Phase 3: Application Closure

  1. You will submit the self-analysis documents




Annual Examination

Submitted by webmaster on Fri, 03/25/2022 - 11:59

End of the year is at hand. Annual final examinations are on. Foundation is certain that all our dear students are well prepared and will come out in flying colours. Let us hope that ensuing academic years are hassle-free and students can reach higher levels. 

Going Online

Submitted by webmaster on Fri, 03/25/2022 - 11:49

In line with the progress in digitalization Dr P M Thomas Foundation is striving to go online. All processes right from application of students to the end decision and documentation is proposed to be managed digitally. Approval of certain aspects in documentation is being pursued. Hope Foundation will become digital before next academic year. 

Pandemic goes on

Submitted by webmaster on Fri, 01/28/2022 - 10:55

We are with our dear students. Pandemic situation is aggravating and institutions are closing down. But let us all be encouraged and courageous. We may move forward powerfully towards the great vision we all have. No obstacle shall hinder our journey towards our dream.

Joy of Hundred

Submitted by webmaster on Fri, 01/28/2022 - 10:47

It is a joyful moment. Foundation touched the first milestone of One hundred Students. It is only a beginning of a great journey and we got to move towards more milestones. We are on the way. However we wish to convey our great gratitude to the society at large for enabling us to enjoy service with  Hundred Dear Students. We move like a family.

Civil Service Examination

Submitted by webmaster on Wed, 08/11/2021 - 18:31

It is highly gratifying that a good number of students are committed to have a go at Civil Service Examination. Congratulations dear students. The Foundation will be with you wholeheartedly. It is a good attitude that you have a close look at what you say, write, do or even think before going into it and of course after the event. Attitude emanates from values which is evolving from beliefs. So start an exercise of analysis of your beliefs and values and mould your attitude in positive direction. 

New Academic Year

Submitted by webmaster on Wed, 08/11/2021 - 17:48

We already are in the new academic year. High School classes are on. Plus one and college admission are yet to take off. All across we have online studies only. Opening of Schools and Colleges are still uncertain. No sign of subsiding in Covid 19 is visible. Our students are facing the new challenging situation confidently but with some stress. As they have their dreams of future, all opportunities are favourably tapped. Let us hope that good days are not far off. 

Time for Compassion

Submitted by webmaster on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 18:39

It is over an year since pandemic covind 19 has been creating havoc in Kerala as well across the World and it is still unabated. Almost all fields of life has been affected and suffering of people continues. At the same time economic depression has come in all over. Low and middle income group of people are struggling financilally in an unprecedented way. Daily wage workers are the worst hit. A recent survey among a few families revealed some painful pictures. Even medical treatment has become a great challenge for few families.

Online Studies

Submitted by webmaster on Fri, 10/02/2020 - 18:24

Covid 19 brought forth great change in all aspects of life for all age-groups. We can say that life culture is going through changes. And academic field is greatly affected, both teachers as well as students. Teachers used to be with students face to face but now see them digitally with no idea as to how many more are observing. This puts pressure on them and may need time to adjust. Students similarly see teacher digitally and not seeing all of their mates. And the style has constraints too with doubts, clarifications and environment. Students are also not fully comfortable.

New Academic Year

Submitted by webmaster on Thu, 05/14/2020 - 09:38

Despite the universal disturbances by Covid 19, New Academic Year opens in June 2020. We all turn over to a new page in life at academic level. We have to come to new commitments and better outlooks for successful journey in the year. Let us all firm up. Students may aim at better academic achievements and higher commitments to values of life as well as own personalities. Let us all join together and begin the great journey confidently.

Our fight against Covid 19

Submitted by webmaster on Sat, 04/18/2020 - 16:10

We are in regular touch with our students. We paid an extra amount of Rs 250/ to each student to enable them to get masks and sanitizers/liquid soap. Trustees contacted the families of all students to assess need for extra support in the context of lock down and consequent  loss of employment. They provided assessment reports in emergent mode. Based on the reports we have provided some more support to very needy families.

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